When you want to create a sign for your business, you're not limited to signs that are flat. There are many signs out in the market that look completely 3D. They stand out a lot more and will draw more attention to your business. These signs are called 3D signs or dimensional signs. The shadows and shading that are found on a 3D sign help catch the attention of those looking at them. It is easier to see them at night and on overcast days. However, to choose a 3D sign that will have the maximum impact, you'll need to understand how to use these types of signs effectively. 

Consider Traditional Materials

There are a large range of materials you can use with your custom signs. Some materials are more durable and resistant. Other signs are more cost-effective. Wood signs can look beautiful and natural but also need to be treated and might not be suitable for a business sign. Metal is another traditional material that can look very professional when it is cast bronze or brass. These type of signs are often used by legal professionals. Aluminum is known for being weather-resistant and light. 

Consider Newer Types of Materials

There are many benefits to newer materials:

  • Acrylic signs are very weather-resistant.
  • Laminated signs use both vinyl and metal
  • Plastic signs can last a long time and come in almost any color
  • High-density foam signs are easy to paint

By considering what characteristics you care about the most, you can more easily find the best possible sign.


Consider how thick you want to make your sign. A flat sign is usually no more than two inches thick. In contrast, a 3D sign is naturally much thicker. A 3D sign is always thicker than that and is often as much as 5 inches thick. The thickest signs can be heavier depending on the type of materials you use and may take up too much space. However, you may need a thicker sign to have the visual impact that you are aiming for.

Effective Lighting

For 3D signs to be useful, they need some form of lighting so they can be seen at night. The most efficient way to illuminate a sign is to use LED lights. They are also very weather-resistant. However, if you're not sure if you want an LED sign, contact a sign manufacturer to discuss other options.
