If you're a small business owner, one quandary you might face is how you can advertise your business to prospective customers on a tight budget. A vehicle graphic is an affordable way to spread the word about your company to scores of people on a daily basis. You can place the graphic on your own vehicle, or you might distribute the graphic to customers who enjoy patronizing your business. Here are a few tips to follow when selecting a vehicle graphic to promote your business.
1. Try to Make Your Graphic "Evergreen"
When using vehicle graphics to advertise your business, it's important to make sure the design contains "evergreen" content. Evergreen content includes information that won't change over time. If you only want to use the graphic on your own vehicle, evergreen content is slightly less important, as you can easily swap the graphic for an updated one as needed.
However, if you plan to distribute the graphic, you don't want to invest time and effort producing and handing out a graphic that will be obsolete in a few months. Make sure that any information on the graphic won't change so that prospective customers don't try to contact you using an old phone number or make a purchase visiting an old website. Check that any business logo you use on the graphic is a design that you plan to keep.
2. Decide on Your Ideal Spot on the Vehicle for the Graphic
Once you know what content the graphic should include, you can decide where you want the placement of the graphic. For example, if you want the graphic to go on the the backside of the vehicle or the door, you might opt for a square or rectangular style that will easily accommodate these areas. If you want the graphic on the hood, you have a little more space to work with and can explore different styles.
3. Select Your Preferred Material
It's important to consider what kind of material you prefer for your graphic, as this will also influence where you're able to apply the graphic on your vehicle. When you opt for a magnetic graphic, you're able to place the graphic on any metal surface on your vehicle.
Standard vinyl decals intended for glass application will likely need to go on a window in your vehicle so that they adhere properly There is a type of vinyl known as vehicle-grade vinyl; it's intended to go on your vehicle rather than the windows, and it works well for adorning large portions of your vehicle. For more information, contact companies that sell vehicle graphics.